Laser Vaginal Treatment

2nd June 2016

The CO2 GyneLase Laser has arrived in Cape Town.


This a new form of minimally invasive treatment for the following conditions:

Vaginal relaxation syndrome

Mild stress urinary incontinence

Mild vaginal prolapse

The advantage of the CO2 Laser is that the procedure is performed in the office and is painless. This treatment is a good alternative to surgery in less advanced pelvic floor dysfunction. Typically a patient will undergo 3 treatments 6 weeks apart to achieve the required results. A typical appointment will take about 45 minutes and the treatment is carried out by our physicians.

Both our physicians are internationally trained in the subspecialty of urogynaecology. Not all patients are candidates for this procedure and various other options are available. Our aim at ULC is to provide you with a thorough urogyne evaluation prior to recommending the Laser. We also ensure adequate follow up to ensure the treatment was effective.

Book an appointment online or by telephone to discuss if this option is right for you.


Frequently asked questions (FAQ)


For more details on the procedure please click the following link:

Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation